
Posts Tagged ‘GNOME’

Install GNOME or KDE desktop environment from the CLI mode

September 21, 2010 2 comments

Install GNOME or KDE desktop environment from the CLI mode

Yesterday I got a request from my user that they need graphical interface to be installed in the server as they require this for their project work. I knew that this is very simple to install using yum groupinstall but the problem I faced was terrific. As this was our internal server it was not connected the internet and it was a VM on VMware. Hence no physical optical drive was present. I am giving below the steps how I got that thing to work.

  1. Mount the ISO image of CD/DVD to your system. If you have a physical system you can insert the CD/DVD and mount or else you have to virtually mount this.

    mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
  2. Create one directory and put all the contents of the Server directory into it.

    mkdir /repository

    cp  -rvf  /mnt/Server/*  /repository/
  3. Unmount the CD/DVD drive.        
    umount /mnt

    If you face any problem in unmounting you can use the command        

    umount   -l /mnt

  4. Go inside the /repositories folder and install all the createrepo packages.

    rpm –ivh createrepo*
  5. Now go inside the folder/etc/yum.repos.d/ and create a file called myrepo and put the following contents to the file
           name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - Debug
  6. Now Go inside /repository folder and check for a specific package yum-utils is present there or not.
          cd /repository
            ls –l| grep yum-utils

    This package is responsible for making group of packages.

  7. If it is not there you have to download this, keep inside this folder (/repository) and install it. You can download it from .This website has the option of advanced search where you can download packages specific to particular OS version.
  8. Use createrepo command to create your repository
    createrepo   /repository/
  9. Now after creation of repository and installation of the package yum-utils you can try the command

    yum grouplist

    The output will list you some groups like given below

     Loading "rhnplugin" plugin
     Loading "installonlyn" plugin
     Setting up Group Process
     Setting up repositories
     rhel-debuginfo            100% |=========================| 1.1 kB    00:00
     Installed Groups:
               MySQL Database
               System Tools
               FTP Server
               Network Servers
               Printing Support
               Mail Server
               Server Configuration Tools
     Available Groups:
               Administration Tools
               GNOME Software Development
               X Software Development
               GNOME Desktop Environment
               Authoring and Publishing
               Games and Entertainment
               X Window System
               KDE Software Development
               KDE (K Desktop Environment)
               Sound and Video
               Graphical Internet
  10. If you are not able to see output like given above then you need one xml file called comp.xml to create your own group.Below.If you don’t know how to create the xml file you can use the following link to create the comp.xml file.

  12. After placing the comp.xml file inside /repository directories you have to recreate the repository.createrepo /repository
  13. Now run the command yum grouplist and you will see the output as below
    yum grouplist

    Sample output:

     Setting up Group Process
     Setting up repositories
     rhel-debuginfo            100% |=========================| 1.1 kB    00:00
     Installed Groups:
              Printing Support
     Available Groups:
              GNOME Desktop Environment
              X Window System
              Graphical Internet
  14. Now you can install the groups listed above. To install GNOME desktop Environment you can use the simple command
yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment"

Now you can use startx to see your graphical GNOME desktop screen.

Simillarly you can install KDE desktop environment.Just you need to change the xml file and give the command

yum groupinstall "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"

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